Celebrities and Gun Violence

How can celebrities help stop gun violence and bring our community together?

Celebrities can help solve the problem of gun violence because celebrities can get more attention towards the problem of gun violence than a regular person. For example, Celebrities give bigger, very inspirational speeches about gun violence. After the Sandy Hook shooting, 12 celebrities came together and made a gun violence video. Beyonce and Jamie Foxx were two of the celebrities in the video and they were talking about how what happened in Sandy Hook and how it affected a lot of kids, moms, dads, husbands, wives and how the could all step in and help. Celebrities can help by bringing the community together and explaining how we all can make a difference.
One thing that celebrities can help with is making a difference in our community and by helping each other. We can help by trying to help the celebrities with working together.

Beyonce speaks out against gun violence

Jamie Foxx speaks out against gun violence


Hi! I’m Harmoni. I’m a seventh grader at launch and my favorite class is social studies. In this unit we are learning about Gun violence and how we need to stop it in our community. Also how gang violence causes gun violence.

Gang violence causes Gun violence

Gang violence causes gun violence.
This is because too many people argue
over simple things and feel like shooting someone is gonna solve it.
Well they’re wrong.
When you shoot someone you’re not taking a second
and think what how their love ones are gonna feel.
If you don’t shoot the world will be a better place.
In most of the united states there are shootings
about how you step foot on their block
or their are mad about their life
and shoot somebody just to see if it makes them feel better.
I think that if they get angry they should just take a breather
not go all crazy on everyone else.
Also they are not gonna get through life by shooting people.