Gun Rates in the United State Vs. Australia

  Compared to other core countries, the United states has a higher firearm death rate. According
to CBS News, Americans are 25 times more likely to be shot. compared to tje U.s. Japan has a total
firearm death rate of 0. An assistant professor at the school of community health science, states
that firearms are killing us instead of protecting us. This shows that the U.S. is more likely to
use guns to resolve conflicr than other country. 

  In 1996, Australia experienced its deadlists mass shooting in history, in which 35 people died and 23
were injured. The Australian givernment responded to the massacre by banning semi- automatics, pump action
shotguns, and automatics. After the gun law chnge, gun deaths decreased by 7.5 percent each year. Every 
640,000 guns were turned into the australian government. However, in the United states, the 2nd Amendment
guarantees "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right people
to keep and bear armys, shall not be infringed." I believe that the 2nd Amendement  should not protect the
rigth of people to own assault rifles. I feel this way because there isn't any good things coming of the rigth
to have guns and  the only reason for guns is to protect our selves from others with guns. In" How U.S. gun 
deaths compare to other countries","Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other
core countries," This evidence illustrates my claim because its saying being killed by gun is more likely to happen
to you, but in other countries it isn't that much likely to happen to any other core gun violence contries. According
to NBC News," Mass killings such as those in Charleston, chattanooga and Lafayette continue with alarming frequency 
across the U.S. a recent study found one occurs  in america every two weeks." this evidence shows my claim because 
all the guns is doing is bring up the death rate in the united states and creating a bigger problem for other citizens.
In conclusion the 2nd amendment protect people gun right isn't need at all because it causes bigger problem for people
isn't helping anyone, which means no guns and no need for protect with guns from guns.

3 thoughts on “Gun Rates in the United State Vs. Australia

  1. I agree with your statement because the american people are not using their right to own guns well. The american people seem to take advantage of the nice things that are given to us. You have a really strong claim and excellent pieces of evidence.

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